On the 6th April 2024, by popular demand, John Souter will be running a workshop on modelling a portrait head and neck using a live model.  It will run from 10am to 4pm.

Suitable for complete beginners to those with plenty of experience, this workshop will give you an opportunity to work from a model to obtain a resemblance.

Cost, to include a male model who will sit for us until 4 pm: £50 Members. £60 Non-members.  This includes all materials, with a choice of terracotta or grey clay. Light refreshments provided, but bring your own lunch.

Full payment in advance is required to secure a place. Reimbursement on cancellation less than a week before the workshop date will only be made if we can fill your place.

If you are interested in joining this workshop, please let us know by sending a message via our  CONTACT page.